
Nasis Information

Please take some time to sign into our school's NASIS for your child's progress.

NWEA Information

Use Microsoft Edge Browser for NWEA Testing Site

always allow pop up blocker
resolution error
right click on desktop
change scale and layout
Read Carefully if you need to Unblock the Popup/Look In the Address Bar
What do you do when you get a Resolution Error on NWEA
Go Back to your desktop and right click anywhere on your desktop and find display settings
Change your Scale and Layout
Change from 150% to 125% - Now you can reopen NWEA browser

Please stay informed at Kayenta.Bie.Edu
Thank You

Parent(s) or Guardian(s) if you have any questions about the enrollment packet or need help filling it out please call. Phone: (928) 697-3439


Contact Us

Kayenta Boarding School
1000 Main St. PO BOX 188
Kayenta, Arizona 86033
P: 928.697.3439
F: 928.697.3479